Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Benjamin's Birthday Celebration

Today is Ben's 3rd birthday! And its a special day too... it reads "2008 2008"! For Ben, celebrations has been on-going since Saturday where he celebrated his birthday with the Lim Clan! On Tuesday, Ben also celebrated his birthday in school with all his classmates. We bought the Friends of the Flyer card and yesterday evening, our whole family were at the Singapore Flyer on our maiden flight. Kian Lam was our photographer.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ignatius' Art Classes

Ignatius has just completed his last drawing class which he has been attending for 12 weeks at Feng Shan CC. He has been faithfully (and happily) going for his classes and never fails to look forward to each lesson. His teacher has recommended a follow-up class on Wednesdays for him and we will consider whether he should continue. The new classes are about $90 plus for 10 weeks and I thought that is rather expensive.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

P1 Registration for Ignatius

The National P1 Registration exercise started last month. We were in Phase 2B and Ignatius got to the school of our choice, Red Swastika School. Why Red Swastika? It has a student care centre conveniently located next to the school and we could leave Ignatius there in the morning before he starts his school at 12.30 pm.

As it was also a SAP school, it was also in high demand and we are very happy to be able to get a place through Phase 2B. Last year, we had joined the PCF's Parents Support Group and we were asked whether we would like to volunteer our time at the Residents' Committee (RC). Kian Lam was roped in (as mummy has to stay home to look after the children) and became a member of the Diamond RC of East Coast GRC. Being a member has its privileges, the People's Association was able to recognise him as a grassroot leader and therefore, we could go through Phase 2B of P1 registration exercise. Of course, being in Phase 2B does not guarantee you immediate entry to the school of your choice, its just a phase above 2C where there's more chance. On the 18 July 08, we went to the school to register, with anxiety, anticipation and hope. At the closing of Phase 2B, there were 52 people vying for the 51 seats that were allocated. We hope that we did not have to ballot. On 22 July 08, we called up the school to check and jumped for joy (like striking 4D) when we were told that those living beyong 2 km were required to ballot! As we were within 2 km, we were in!

We have already received the letter of placement and even registered for the student care services. Next, we will be going for the schools's orientation programme on 15 November 2008! Ignatius is also looking forward to it. A number of his K2 classmates are also going to the same school, including his cousin, Jiaxuan.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

National Day Observance Ceremony and Sports Day

Everyone in the house had to wake up earlier than usual this morning or rather... yesterday morning. It was PCF Fengshan's National Day Observance Ceremony cum Sports Day at the Fengshan Community Club. Imagine about 300 pre-schoolers coming together to celebrate the day!

To us, Ignatius was the star of the day! He was involved in his class performance for the event. The children had been practising very hard, doing the Singapore Line Dance to the tune of Rasa Sayang! And what a roaring performance it was, we were very proud of him, and he seemed to be having lots of fun on stage as well.

This year, for Sports Day, Ignatius took part in the two races. Teacher Matsura has been guiding and training the K2 children, gearing up for this exciting event. When Ignatius was competing in the races with his fellow PCF pre-schoolers from the other Fengshan centres, we were cheering him on. Just like other parents, in our eyes, Ignatius was already a Champion, for giving his best. His "stilt-walk-on-can" relay event won him a silver medal and his "Dressing-up" relay event won him a GOLD medal!

To celebrate our little champions, we are went out to have the famous and expensive Prawn Noodles at East Coast!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Great Arrival

Thanks to the advance technology, we are able to capture Benjamin's first minutes into this wonderful world. Apologies to Ignatius though, that we were not so tech savvy yet, when he was born. However, that video, although cannot be reproduced, is always playing in our memories. it was the best moments of our lives.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Why have this Blog?

There are lots of things we do and learn everyday about being parents to our two little boys, Ignatius (now 6) and Benjamin (going to 3). We thot documenting these moments (when we have the time and energy) would be fun!