Friday, March 20, 2009

First Day at School for Ignatius

The second term of school is going to start soon for Ignatius. But check out his first day of school on 2 Jan 09. First pix... getting ready to go.. giving Ben a bear hug first... roaming the school with this buddy, KC. Last pix is end of school day, Ben goes to fetch Ignatius and gives him a big hug. He misses his big bro...

Chicken Pox, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...............

Ben has an outburst of chicken pox with the first sign of a slight fever on 4th March 09. The fever only last a couple of hours. But we kept him at home anyway. The first pox was borned the next day on the back of his leg knee, which I didn't notice, hehe. It was discovered by Jami.

When I noticed the subsequent 2nd and 3rd poxes, we brought him to Dr Yak, needless to say: CONFIRM AH !!!! How can it not be confirmed ? 7 of his classmates got it! Anyway, we saw it as a blessing. Less tortureous for him to get it while young.

Ben was then beginning his confinement, 14 days, standard practice. But the Big question was: Would we bring him to Ah ma's birthday celebration on 8th March at Copthorne Orchid? Ah ma insisted he should go. And I felt very apologetic to Shirley and Shufen, as they had to pull out of the party because of their young daughters.

Anyway, the 14 days was up, but we decided to keep Ben at home until 23rd March 09, to at least have control over the food and also to let him heal fully. The best part for him and us, was Ignatius, his loving elder brother was with him from 16th March because of the March week long holidays. They really enjoyed each others companies and Ah ma was also enjoying their presense.